Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Looking for a Writing Group?

The 4th Street Writers Workshop is currently accepting submissions for new members. If you are serious about writing (fiction or nonfiction) and would like to join a workshop run in the traditional manner, please send a brief writing biography and a minimum of six pages of prose to Kim Haas at kimhaasdesign(at)sbcglobal(dot)net. This workshop meets approximately every other Sunday at 11:30 a.m. alternating between Royal Oak and Novi. Occasionally, outside sources such as stories, essays and even novels may be discussed as a group in order to address specific writing concerns that develop.

1 comment:

Michael J. Sheehan said...

I was glad to discover your site today. There can't be enough writers' groups. I am on the BOD of Michigan Writers, Inc. Our area is your mirror image: northwest Michigan below the bridge.Feel free to visit us at